Daphne Jordan, owner and founder of Wild Nettle Wellness is currently offering coaching and support sessions virtually and in-person. CLICK HERE to learn more about her areas of specialization.

Wellness Coaching

Wellness is more than just a physical state of being. Wellness includes our emotional state, the types of tools and resources we have access to, and our resilience to stress when life doesn’t go as planned. Wellness is a biopsychosocial experience, meaning that there are biological, psychological, and social factors that can either enhance or diminish our life’s experiences.

It is important to recognize that we all go through phases of life where we need more support than our community, friends, and family can provide standalone. Sometimes we don’t feel safe being vulnerable, and sharing our deepest fears, desires, and aspirations with people who are close to us. Perhaps we don’t want to burden others with our heavy emotions, or maybe we are hesitant to share our dreams and goals out of fear of being rejected or dismissed. Additionally, the support or advice you may receive from friends and family can come with bias, and unnecessary pressure to live your life in accordance to someone else’s opinions or goals that can be counterproductive at times.

Working with a skilled professional can offer a wellspring of resources and unique, non-judgmental support that leaves you feeling empowered and capable of blazing your own life’s path. Whether you hire a life coach, work with a counselor, or seek other types of allied wellness professionals, seeking support from someone with expertise can offer potent and transformative opportunity to make lifelong positive changes in one’s life.